Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I've noticed that people of a certain caliber, or people that think they are, have a definite issue with showing gratitude. Rarely do they say thank you, in any form.

Many years ago I had an employer who extended all the funds to the business and there wasn't much left to offer employee raises. It was promised and understood, that as the business grew, so would the employee pay.

Year after year, our hours got longer and weekends to ourselves became obsolete. It didn't matter to me, as I was learning and enjoying my work. I made it clear, that I would work for gratitude and appreciation until the “big time”.

The big time was always around the corner, as the business needed capital to grow, the money went back into the business. I began to realize that our ideas and ideals were farther apart than originally thought.This revelation brought some pretty unnerving months of interactions, avoidance, confrontations and all around bad feelings.

During our last few weeks of working together I reminded my employers that I would have worked as long as they needed me to, because I loved what I was doing, was paid well and I believed that the company would be very successful. I could not, however, give my time and life to people who didn't have any qualms about neglecting to appreciate me.

Have you ever felt overlooked? Have you had to move on because you literally had a thankless job?


  1. I think I've always felt unappreciated, no matter what job I've held. It's easy for superiors to forget to simply let someone know they're doing a good job...of course, they day I turned in my resignation, not a single one has hesitated to tell me how great a job I did!

  2. Hi from the A to Z challenge! Being unappreciated is one of the worst feelings on so many levels, and then it tends to lead to a dip in moral, which then makes you want to do less, and so on...thank you isn't difficult, it's hard to imagine why so many people don't say it. It does help to remind you, though, to make sure that people know you appreciate them when you've been on the other side of it.

